
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Vatican UFO alien god and other September 2015 conspiracy theories

Artistic Impression of a UFO over the Vatican

I've been watching some really interesting videos on YouTube the past few weeks about how supposedly September 23, 2015 was going to witness some earth changing event that would be the most significant day in history.

The proponents of these theories (and say 'theories' because there are many regarding the nature of the event) all have quoted Biblical verses regarding the end of the world but where they differ is in the nature of the supposed event that is supposed to take place.

Some are usual earthquake and tsunami warnings. The more juicy ones talk of an asteroid that is supposed to crash into Earth.

Another theory is that an experiment at CERN in Switzerland will open a portal into another universe with potential hyper dimensional beings entering the Earth dimension.

But my personal favourite is the Vatican UFO alien god mega deception theory!

Whoa! Well according to the stuff floating around YouTube, some of which claim they have received this information from Vatican astronomers say that extraterrestrial contact is imminent!

They claim that the Pope will soon announce to the world that an alien 'god' has made made contact with them and revealed that we humans are the product of an ancient DNA insertion experiment and are the offspring or rather hybrid between an ancient man like creature and the Nephilim a race of advanced aliens that the book of Genesis refers to as the 'sons of God' (Genesis 6:2). It goes on the say that Jesus Christ was also the child of Mary who was the subject of an 'alien abduction' and herself was some kind of a hybrid.

According to this theory, the ancient gods are about to return to this planet and their leader will be declared as some kind of alien saviour. It also says that for 'some time' our religions will be allowed to function but then a serious re-look will have to be given to the Christian Gospels.

Some of the Christian scholars on these videos go on to say that this is all part of a Grand Deception plan by Satan and that the visitors will not really be aliens but hyper dimensional 'fallen angels' also knows as demons.

I'll admit, the prospect of an alien visitation on a grand scale sounds exciting, but I haven't seen anything happen yet.

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Location:New Delhi,India