
Monday, August 02, 2010

Phase Drafting your book writing process

Just read a  nice article on phase drafting which is a good technique for writing a novel or any other book for that matter. It involves breaking the whole story into a concept and then expanding that concept into a kernel of a plot. This kernel of a plot is then expanded into individual phases or scenes. These scenes in turn have their own 'beginning, middle and end' structures or 'scene arcs' and are worked on individually by the author.

This is a good method in which the basic plot and scene structures are decided in advance using phase drafting and then the author can write faster and finish the novel a lot easier without getting 'stuck' in the middle of a chapter or scene, because each scene is already structured out in advance. Some writers do not like to use a structure or outline as they feel it impedes their creativity and bounds a story into a structured box so to say.

However, using a structure is advisable as without one the story can go hay wire and may lead to more difficulties later on. That is why the plot should be thought over before hand and this is where a lot of the 'thinking' goes into. Then once the scene arcs are ready, each scene can be easily expanded. This also makes it easier to plan out a writing schedule as the writing bits have already been created in the form of scenes.

For a nice description of this process visit Phase Drafting When Writing a Book  and also Randy Ingermanson's Snow Flake method