
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Da Vinci Code

As a Christian Indian myself I fail to understand the fuss about 'The Da Vinci Code' being screened across India. First of all, it is fiction. Secondly, why should people always be afraid of new ideas? If one has so much faith in their own religion, why fear when there are some sort of new questions raised. After all if religion is all about finding the truth, then why should truth be afraid of questions?

Jesus Christ himself asked people to change the way they thought. He replaced an old ideology in the form of the Old Testament with a New Testament. He was against hypocrisy and judging people. He was against the established religious leadership. He was against imposing his will upon others. Christ was about freedom, not bondage. One must remember that God never imposes His will on anyone. If He did, this would be a sinless world.

I fail to understand what is so bad about the book and the movie. It is a cleverly weaved action thriller and is super interesting to say the least. India is a free country and the Freedom of Speech and Expression is enshrined in our Constitution under Article 19. So I think it is time that our religious leaders should stop trying to impose their views on the rest of the people. If someone finds the film offensive, don't watch it. But let others watch it! Here it will be logical to quote the French philosopher Voltaire: "I disagree with everything you say, but I will until my death defend your right to say it". Freedom of Speech and Expression goes beyond a legal right. As far as I'm concerned, it's a divine right.