
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bravo Dinesh Trivedi

Dinesh Trivedi
Though it cost Dinesh Trivedi his job as India's Railways Minister, the course of action that he took is the need of the hour. Not only was his raising of fares across all classes badly needed, but it was a great change to see an Indian politician putting "country ahead of party".

Dinesh Trivedi is an example of the types of politicians that are badly needed in India at this time. It does not matter that he lost his job for it, when Mamata Bannerjee had him resign, what is important that he had the guts to do what he felt was right. Even if, as some political cynics claim, it was "all a farce", it sends a positive message to the thinking electorate of India.

This is what India needs in order to change. We need MPs, MLAs and ministers who are committed to doing something productive for the country. We need more Indian politicians who act on their own convictions and not according to their parties' orders.

Bravo, Dinesh Trivedi!