
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life in outer space? Will we be able to communicate?

When NASA recently landed the Curiosity rover on Mars, the moment once again raised the age-old question, “Is there life in outer space?” The most logical answer is that there must be life out there considering the infinite nature of our known universe with its assumed 70 sextillion stars distributed across billions of galaxies.

Fermi’s Paradox
Either way you look at it — creation or evolution or both, as they are not mutually exclusive — there is no logical reason why Earth should be the only planet among hundreds of planets out there with life. Perhaps some of the 777 planets discovered so far outside our solar system have life. If so, why have we not found anybody out there yet? This question is referred to as Fermi’s Paradox. He asked simply, “If there is life out there? Where is everybody?” For life to be detected, communicated with and interacted with, such life needs to be more or less on the same rung as we are on the evolutionary ladder.

When you look at an amoeba with a microscope, the amoeba is blissfully unaware of that fact. Humans and amoebas are on two very distant rungs of the evolutionary ladder to have any kind of meaningful interaction. Other intelligent creatures on our planet like whales, dolphins, ants and bees are also promising in their forms of communication and their ability to build ‘cities’ in the form of anthills and beehives. But here again, we do not have any real way to communicate with them. Looking at these examples, if there is a lot of alien life out there in the universe and even if we find ‘them’, will we be able to communicate with them?

Then again, even if we do find other life out there, we will only be able to communicate with them if they are on the same level of evolution as us. If life outside Earth is too ahead or behind us on the rungs of evolution, we will be unable to communicate or detect each other. What if we are like amoebas for a more advanced form of life? Maybe ‘they’ are waiting for us to reach a certain level of spiritual development before they admit us into the ‘Galactic Society.'
Published in the Speaking Tree on October 26, 2012

Click here to see article on the Speaking Tree site.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jesus Help Me prayer

 'Jesus Help Me' prayer


Jesus Help me. 
In every need let me come to you 
with a humble trust saying, 
Jesus help me. 

In all my doubts, 
perplexities and temptations, 
Jesus help me. 

In hours of loneliness, 
weariness and trials, 
Jesus help me. 

In failure of my plans and hopes, 
in disappointments, 
troubles and sorrows, 
Jesus help me. 

When others fail me 
and your grace alone can assist me, 
Jesus help me. 

When I throw myself on your tender love, 
as my Lord and Saviour, 
Jesus help me. 

When my heart is cast down by failure 
at seeing no good coming from my efforts, 
Jesus help me. 

When I am ill and my head and hands cannot work 
and I am lonely, 
Jesus help me. 

Always, always, in spite of weariness, 
falls and shortcomings of every kind, 
Jesus help me and never forsake me.

Almighty Lord, 
before you I come with all my faith, 
begging you for comfort in my difficulties. 
Do not forsake me, my Lord. 
Open your doors, 
that your almighty arms will open and close 
as you design to give that tranquility that I so desire.

Oh my God! 
Receive my supplication from a wounded heart 
that is always fighting for me 
with your Divine power. 
Never let me scramble for want of help.

Almighty Lord, 
assist me to find shelter in your celestial bounty forever. 


Sunday, September 09, 2012

All That Is, Is Nothing But Love

(published in The Speaking Tree, The Times of India - September 8, 2012)

There are moments in our lives that remind us of our true Divine nature and oneness with all of creation. In these moments we get a glimpse of our true nature as living sparks of a loving God.

Sometimes we understand and experience things that we cannot easily put into words. Like when we are listening to good music or meditating and suddenly we feel a moment of bliss and expansion in our consciousness. Many times you may have been listening to a score of music or meditating and felt a sudden surge of love towards not just all of humanity, but all of creation itself. A wave of love erupts from the depths of our hearts and travels across cities, nations, continents, planets, star systems, galaxies, galactic clusters and universes in just a few seconds. In that moment of pure ecstasy, you feel oneness with all beings. You feel love that cannot be described in words other than to say that it is more intense than anything else you have ever felt. 

It is a feeling of complete unification with all things. In the physical world that we live in, we cannot become truly ‘one’ with other physical beings. But when we transcend the boundaries of physicality, we truly are able to merge together in the form of spirit and energy.

Think of it like this, there was a time billions of years ago, when everything in this universe -- from the largest galaxy to the smallest atom -- existed together inside a potentiality that was smaller than the smallest atom. Imagine the density of such a potentiality. Why we say ‘potentiality’ is because before the the Big Bang took place, there was neither energy nor matter. Both of these were created in that instant that created the cycle of the universe. From that moment onwards, the tiny potentiality expanded in a flash of energy that is expanding to this day. Every star, planet, atom, everything that exists today – you, me, the chair you’re sitting on, the car you drive, the ring that you wear, the atoms that make up all those things -- were created in that flash of creation called the Big Bang. Since then things have just been expanding and getting readjusted.

Perhaps at the deepest level of Spirit, we know that we all came from the same source, at the same time, by the same word of creation that created all. It is clear that the primary motivation and energy behind Creation can be narrowed down to one single word – Love.

Love is the cement that binds all together. Love is the force that primal in nature. Before we were made as souls, we existed together in the potentiality of Love in the bosom of God where we basked in the glorious Love of God for eternity.

It is a small glimpse of this Divine Love that we experience in moments where the energy of certain music coupled with a particular state of mind can make our spirit transcend the physical world and its delusion of separation, so that we remember at the level of the soul how we felt when we were aware of our oneness with all that is.

These moments of transcending the physical bonds of Earth are just a glimpse of the unimaginable bliss and feeling of all-encompassing love that we will feel when our souls finally complete their journey on Earth and rise up into eternity to touch the face of God!

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Power of Thought: every thought produces a vibration in the universe

Every thought produces a vibration in the universe. The energy of the vibration produced increases as the intensity of the thought increases. These vibrations have power. They can change their surroundings and ultimately make the world a much better place.

Have you noticed that when you enter into a room where there has been a fight or argument, you can 'sense' the tension in the air? Have you ever been in a place where you have had an eerie or uncomfortable feeling? We have all felt this some time or the other. It is natural for us to be able to sense vibrations.

Similarly, there must have been times when you have gone to a holy place where many come to pray or meditate and sensed a powerful feeling of love, peace, serenity and safety.

All of this shows that the ripples or vibrations produced by thought and intense awareness have an impact on their surroundings and produce vibrations that over time are absorbed in the place. The place then retains the energy of the vibrations.

Thought is powerful. So are its byproducts - words and deeds. A nice word can and does have a powerful impact on its recipient. A word filled with love, kindness and compassion can create a powerful vibration of goodness that if powerful enough can change the way people around think. The power of mantras has been known for thousands of years.

A selfless deed to serve someone else can set a very powerful example and permanently change the person helped by giving them a taste of love and compassion. An act of love or kindness makes both the giver and receiver experience a feeling of goodness and love.

Using thoughts, words and deeds - you can change the world!

Our planet today has a lot of negative energy that is manifested in the form of wars, violence, crimes, prejudices among other things. But that can change.

If enough people just stop what they're doing for just a few moments every day and send out positive energy in the form of a prayer or mantra for love and peace into the universe. Let this positivity be guided specifically towards our planet Earth. This will begin the creation of a matrix of positive energy and vibrations.

If everybody just makes it a point to close their eyes for a few minutes and imagine our planet Earth floating in space. Imagine all the billions of people, animals and plants on Earth and just send a thought or word of love. After this, smile at the Earth and wait for the response - you will feel the Earth smile back. If you do not feel the response immediately, don't worry. It will eventually come over time.

Soon the negative vibrations will be replaced by positive ones and this will be the beginning of a new era of positivity. Try it. Once a day for a few minutes to start with. It will make you feel great. If enough people do this, we will all change for the better and the Earth will change too.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

40 years old and a new role in Chintels

Me (in Blue shirt with microphone) with my family on my 40th birthday
(Click on picture for larger image)
So this post is a little late, but here it goes....

On July 14, 2012, I turned 40 years old. 40... OMG! For some reason 40 is in many minds a real landmark in a person's life and I'm no different. I feel pretty much the same as I did before. But I feel that this is the beginning of a new phase in my life. More responsibility perhaps.

We had a nice big party at the Oberoi Hotel, New Delhi. It was also a very special day in another way. My father stepped down as the Managing Director (though he will continue as Chairman) and announced in the party that I would be taking over as the new Managing Director of the Chintels Group! I am honored and humbled at the same time. I pray to God to help me in my new role and I hope that I will be able to do the job to the best of my ability.

What a 40th birthday present!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

To Go Beyond by Richard Franklin

To Go Beyond by Richard Franklin
 This is the painting that hangs in my study room wall. I have been trying to find out its name and who the artist is. So, I took a good look at the signature and could only make out that the last name was Franklin. Thanks to Google, I searched for all the artists with the last name Franklin and discovered that the artist is named Richard Franklin and the painting is called 'To Go Beyond'. What an awesome name!

In my mind, the painting captures the yearning of the human soul to reunite with God and the adoration that both God and the soul have for each other.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Live a life that matters

After a near fatal accident last month, I am reminded of the fragility of human life and at the same time the sanctity of it. There was an incident when an 8 kg tile fell from a height of about 30 feet and struck me right on the head. I still have swelling on my head even now, but luckily there was no internal injury. God saved my life that night and I thank Him for it.

At the risk of sounding clichéd - I must say that this incident changed my life. What changed the most is my perspective of how we strive, fight, stress out and slave over things that really may not even matter in the end of the day. I am now even more strongly convinced of the importance of living a spiritually inclined life full of love and introspection instead of a life ruled by materialism and monetary gain alone.

While these are important, it is the real effects of these that are important. In other words, it is not really important how much money you make, but what you do with that money. This is not restricted to money alone, but to any gift from God we possess, be it - money, talents, interests.

Like the Parable of the Talents, it is important to not just let our talents be buried in the sand, but that they are used, improved and expanded. But it is the actual end result of the usage of these gifts that is important. If we enjoy writing, singing, filmography, drama, research, business, teaching, etc. how did we use these things to help our fellow living beings and environment? These are the things that are important. I read in a book (don't remember which one) that when we pass onto the higher realm there are only two questions that the Divine Spirit asks us -

1. What did you learn about love?
2. How did you use the talents I gave you to help the world?

In the final analysis, this is all that matters!

Peace, Love and Light.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Colorizing Black and White photos - colorized John F. Kennedy photo

Watched some interesting videos on YouTube like this one ---

and used the techniques there to colorize a black & white photo for the first time. And who else do you think I would choose other than President John F. Kennedy?

Here are the two photos side by side - the original and the colorized version I made. Not bad I think for the first attempt. 

John F. Kennedy black and white and color
US President John F. Kennedy (black and white) and colorized.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

When Your Earth Visa Expires

(published in The Speaking Tree column, The Times of India March 27, 2012)

Where do we go when our Earth visa expires? Most religions suggest that our souls live on and travel into another realm. While this is the common belief, it is not as simple as it sounds. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity talk about multiple levels, dimensions or frequencies of existence after the soul leaves Earth. The Quran and Bible have instances where the term "Seventh heaven" is used. Hinduism talks of various astral planets and even higher spiritual planets or 'loks' where souls travel to after physical life comes to an end.

There have also been accounts on record of near-death experiences (NDEs) where those declared clinically dead have subsequently returned to life. In 'Life after Life' Dr. Raymond Moody recounts NDE cases in which patients described seeing their own body after being pronounced dead, then travelling through a tunnel into a room full of light where their dead relatives and friends came to receive them. Then a life review happens, in which they see instances that occurred in the incarnation just passed. Then many see a 'Being of Light', emitting a powerful feeling of love. They are told their time has not yet come and they return to their bodies.

In 'Journey of Souls' Dr. Michael Newton talks about the period between incarnations. Newton uses past life regression techniques to take people back to the time after their death in their last life and before the time of their current birth. An account of the spirit realm describes split incarnations where one soul occupies two or more bodies at the same time, soul families, groups, colours are seen based on levels of spiritual development, spirit guides, council of elders, healing areas, library and temple. Finally, the place where the soul decides the type of experiences it needs in the next incarnation and actually chooses parents and circumstances needed for the new incarnation to meet its karmic requirements.

Do our souls actually 'travel' somewhere? It's like asking if you are actually travelling somewhere when you dream. There is obviously something happening to your awareness. The field of awareness shifts from one plane to another. First you are awake and then you enter dreamland. But when you transition from this world to the next, are you actually travelling in the spatial sense or just shifting the frequency of your awareness?

When TV channels are changed, it is only awareness that is shifting from one channel to another. The old channel doesn't cease to exist because the new channel is being viewed. It is just that the screen is now displaying a different frequency. This is the same principle that happens when we die. Our awareness is tuned into a different frequency of creation. The Earth plane does not cease to exist, but for the person who has passed on, the frequency of awareness has shifted. The reality they perceive is now different.Similarly, for those on Earth, the person seems to have gone, but in reality the soul has just moved onto another frequency of awareness. It leaves behind the empty human body, a kind of virtual reality device, through which the soul experienced life on the Earth.

The opposite of life is not death. The opposite of birth is death. Life is eternal. Birth and death are just entry and exit points of incarnations.

To read this article on the Times of India site, click here

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bravo Dinesh Trivedi

Dinesh Trivedi
Though it cost Dinesh Trivedi his job as India's Railways Minister, the course of action that he took is the need of the hour. Not only was his raising of fares across all classes badly needed, but it was a great change to see an Indian politician putting "country ahead of party".

Dinesh Trivedi is an example of the types of politicians that are badly needed in India at this time. It does not matter that he lost his job for it, when Mamata Bannerjee had him resign, what is important that he had the guts to do what he felt was right. Even if, as some political cynics claim, it was "all a farce", it sends a positive message to the thinking electorate of India.

This is what India needs in order to change. We need MPs, MLAs and ministers who are committed to doing something productive for the country. We need more Indian politicians who act on their own convictions and not according to their parties' orders.

Bravo, Dinesh Trivedi!

Monday, March 05, 2012

Our trip to Singapore

Cheryll and I are back home in New Delhi after a very enjoyable trip to Singapore. Stayed at a suite in the Ritz Carlton with an amazing view of Marina Bay Sands and Collyer Quay. We shopped a lot. Cheryll with her clothes, shoes, etc, etc. I indulged in my photographic pursuits. Bought a new wide angle lens Sigma 10mm-20mm and a Nikon Gp-1. Went to Sentosa Island, Clarke Quay - Shiraz, Hooters and Jumbo Seafood. Yummy yum yum! Had two amazing evenings with our friends Nonna and Rajdev Narula, who took us to Margharitas in Dempsey Hill and then to Lantern at the Fullerton Bay Hotel and also to Orgo at the Esplanade.

Highly recommend Singapore as a great getaway destination for good food, fun and shopping and not to mention seeing the Marina Bay Sands - truly one of the world's finest looking buildings.

I am adding here a picture of the hotel that I took with my camera using a tripod. The picture was taken from the Merlion across the bay.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Welcome new year 2012

I wish you all a very Happy New Year 2012. The year that has just gone by has been a very eventful one. Revolutions across the Mid East and Africa, a devastating tsunami and earthquake in Japan, the death of Osama Bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi, the rise of anti-corruption movements in India and many other events that will ensure that 2011 will be a year that will not be easily forgotten.

Now that 2012 is here, we have February 29 this year, a presidential election in the US and we have yet another prophesy (its technically not a 'doomsday' one though) by the Mayans. So who knows how this year will play out. The way I see it is that a new year is a way to start afresh. A way of doing the things that you wanted to do but weren't able to in the year that just went by.

I started the new year by meditating and doing pranayama. I feel good about that. If 2012 is the climax of a new spiritual age that we are entering into, I want to be ready for it.

I hope that this year I am able to do some of the writing projects that I have in mind, but haven't gotten down to doing yet. I hope I am able to share things with you through this blog more regularly.

So what about you? How do you want this year to go by. What are some of things you are planning to do differently this year. I would love to see your stories via comments.

God bless you! Love and Light to you all.